We Review: Pacific Rim Uprising

I usually enjoy a b-movie or two to break the monotony of the usual hoity-toity™ arthouse film.  I kid… I really do not care much about arthouse movies… because they usually take themselves too seriously for my tastes. B-movies, on the other hand are the quick snacks in between mega-expensive blockbuster hits that seem to […]

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We Review: Star Wars Rebels

When we first heard of Star Wars Rebels, we were quite skeptical about how well it would do. Fresh off the conclusion of the excellent Clone Wars series Rebels took a new direction by introducing characters that were not the typical Skywalkers nor clones. They were what seemed to be extremely minor cogs in the […]

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We Review: GeGeGe no Kitaro

Within the first 30 seconds, I had already clicked pause to give my first impression of this Anime. And here it is, WTF. As first shots go of any show, someone introducing themselves in a flat monotone voice then an eyeball coming out of their hair, well let’s just say that it sure seems unique! […]

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